Sunday, January 18, 2009

Of angels and demons...

I think about a lot of random things, and one of the random thoughts I am thinking about right now centers on how little the Bible makes sense. Not for the classical reasons, mind you, but due to Revelations. Why do I say this, you ask? Well, think about what the Bible postulates: God is all-powerful and Satan doesn't stand a chance of victory. However, despite this obvious fact, God will allow Satan to rule the Earth for a thousand years because, well, it's just going to happen like that. There is no real explanation for why Satan will have a thousand-year reign; he just sort of will.

This bothers me quite a bit. It simply doesn't make sense. In fact, what it sounds like to me is that the outcome isn't quite so assured, and this is a way to hedge your bets. "Oh no, it only looks like we lost; really, we are going to win...later. I promise." The whole idea that Satan has no chance against God never really made much sense to me. Another thing; considering that without Satan there can be no free will (if there is ultimate good, there needs to be its polar opposite in order for people to enjoy true free will; if this needs further explanation, let me know), and that God (if he is all-knowing) knew Lucifer would rebel, doesn't it seem that God kind of needed Lucifer to rebel? In which case, doesn't that make Lucifer's sacrifice far more meaningful that Jesus'?

I actually believe that the final battle is not as set in stone as the Bible would have you believe.

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